six feet defines our existence 

we show unnecessary love in pretense 

a funny world, a luxurious hell 

sin became so sweet that we fell 

we now celebrate foolery and stupidity 

maximize celebration in dunce nitty gritty 

can someone tell that man he is a waste of sperm 

unwanted existence just like a mailed spam 

our hands are tied we yell aloud 

in the midst of chaos we puff a loud 

madness run in our core and vein 

expect no shower of blessings, ignore the wind vane 

this is no soothsaying lad 

listen to this and don’t ever discard 

the old now buries the young 

a norms we now sing in songs 

we ain’t getting any stronger I proclaim 

see how dumb you are, looking so lame 

listen now and listen carefully 

centuries have pass, we ain’t strong like Hercules 

we are all an existence of a failed creativity 

walking corpse in mass entity 

our life span reduces every century 

someday we will be shipped to the mortuary 


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16 Oct 2024


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