every corner, every angle it waits patiently 

waiting for you walk into his bosom carelessly 

he stands tall with no regards 

waiting for you to falter and loose-guard 

it lurks even in our deepest minds 

aiming for our souls to bind 

it’s a course we all must journey 

a dessert you can’t resist you dummy 

don’t you see death all around you?

caressing you as you plead silence in the loo 

we ain’t getting younger relax your stunts 

else you’ll be puffed off like blunt 

everyday we swim close to the bait 

luckily, some of us gets there late 

millions have fallen into their graves 

you’re only lucky you got late to the conclave 

do you, do you see death all around us 

waiting patiently with his insatiable cuss 

your time is up he would say 

with a sinister smile so fray


(twitter & insta)


12 Sept 2024


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