you know it all better before you said it 

twisted tongue laced with honey to sweeten the hurt 

your face pulls the perfect clown moment 

your eyes moves vertigo without remorse 

please let it all out, don’t hold any back 

the subtle jab in those utterances you’ve made 

resentment and anger as they flow out unhindered 

those lips that once said “I love you”

has now become a sharp edged sword 

swung emotionless incinerating damages 

I’m battered already when you pulled attitude 

these acts of yours never started in a day 

it has continually flowed up like stream

and I’ve terribly seen the end before it began 

already sealed my heart for this hurt now    

please don’t hold it back 

just say the words and I will disappear into the wilderness 

it is a terrible fate I must accept before I break 

I sure know time heals all wound unnoticed 

but these scars I will forever carry on in my hearts 


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19 May 2023


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