it came again unannounced 

this time in the middle of the night unnoticed 

left my thoughts wide awake 

the uncontrolled surge began as before

“please I want to leave this buried” I said 

but it’s subtle laugh sends a shiver down my spine 

this voice i so much abhor 

voice I thought had bade me farewell 

it persisted, injecting thoughts to my head 

“Please I don’t wanna go down this lane again”

“these bones I chose to bury, don’t dig up”

“I have convalesced, please don’t make me relapse”

all these years I have sorted my sanity 

self-purged my thoughts and emotions 

took me years of constancy to get to this 

now you’re back to yank off my little sanity 

please don’t make me go back to this darkness 

she who made me this has already moved on

I’m nothing but a ticking timed bomb

this rush of blood will be the end of me someday 



10 Aug 2024


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