the red ants consider the black ants their enemies 

and the black ants consider the red ants their enemies 

the true enemy is the one shaking the jar

the same thing happens in human society

our core enemy outsmarts us 

using our weaknesses to trample 

weaponized poverty to enslave us

sell promises to us to make us cheer 

religious leaders are none the least 

religion sold to us to make us docile

insane philosophies to keep us in check 

then we pray in alters and cry unnecessary

“vote for me” a fool crying out his follies 

delusional us will still help them rig 

then when hunger persist, we’ll carry placards

storm the whole streets in useless protest 

emotions, a one true enemy 

making you slave to love 

when your hearts gets broken and she walks away 

suicide feels beautiful and cozy 

a friend, a confidant

a soothing shoulder but a proverbial enemy 

gracefully rubs your back and stabs when due 

still pay you condolences 


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3 Dec 2023


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