we are happy

they tried to take it from us 

our aura was perfect 

our union was divine 

siyathandana (we are in love)

but they say we were too young to understand 

then bazamile usohlukasima (they have tried to come btw us)

bohluleka (but they failed)

thina sobabini (the two of us)

held on so strong, tightly strong 

even the gods were jealous

we were exceptionally inseparable 

they all saw it 

ukuba sifanelene (that we are meant for each other)

it was glaring even in the stars 

it’s twinkling shows on our bodies 

let’s ignore the world… jabula 

masikunye ndiyajabula (let us be happy together)

masibe happy munt’wami (let’s us be happy)

abaphansi bavumile (our ancestors concur)


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5 Jan 2024


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