the enigma of life 

the purity of time 

choking and strangling us all 

we breathe but never oxygen 

she waits not for anybody 

beautiful and emotionless 

once you miss the said timing 

you may get lucky once again 

it’s ticking sends a subtle reminder each day 

hinting us all to remember our pact with death 

for “ M M” is written in our palms 

a well detailed memento mori 

such a burden we all are saddled with 

losing love and loved ones 

no one is above the wrath of time 

it’s vengeance is weighty, corny and crafty

a battle of no victor no vanquish 

reality cuddling us in endless misery 

time will forever be a respecter of no man 

it will tick till eternity 


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9 Dec 2023


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