I was murdered in an alley

fell flat on my face 

my blood gushing out from neck

a clean slice, hand and knife from the back 

my murder was well calculated 

a clean kill I must say was in motion 

I tried grabbing my neck together 

all effort to suppress the bleeding was nothing 

I watch as a good number swamp on me 

but we were just two taking a stroll initially 

why are numbers increasing?

a well calculated murder in the alley 

they strip me off my belongings 

while I helplessly watch hopelessly 

my friend, my cousin just stood there watching 

still clutching to the murder weapon, tightly gripped 

they stripped me totally without a second thought 

I was left only with my birthday suit 

already in my own pool of blood 

he cleaned the knife on his shirt and walked away 

in no time, my pulse began to weaken, muscle twitches

this is no better way to die 

the last hot tear streamed down my face 

my very own led me to my death 



19 Aug 2023


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