she said “how does it feel to be you?”
I said it alright, it’s no longer necessary
“what can I do to help” she asked again
“it’s too late” I replied
I was ignored when I needed you the most
shut your door always on me like I was nothing
restitutions you want to make now out of pity
I’m all deaf ears ain’t listening
stop the frown, tune it
don’t make those eyes teary
you’re just another being i abhor
beside this my dead bed, your presence is irritating
can you leave me alone I have a dying wish to make
I need a moment to myself, I need to be at peace
you were just a mistake I wish I never met
all I’ve done is now in vain, you don’t worth it
6 April 2023
Never neglect anyone life is timeless @cijezu_aramendi