they will come for you 

to take what’s yours, what’s theirs and ours 

smiles beautifying their faces 

hands laced with thorns to pat your back

they will break your heart 

still hand you an handkerchief for you to dry your tears 

additional hug just to comfort you 

then finally, they will emotionally play the victim’s card 

they will cripple your soul 

sell religious idiosyncrasies for you to fall

fallacies and bigotry in animations 

you will then be left alone to question your own faith 

they will render you naked 

collecting and collecting until you are in nude  

still request for your skin because it glows 

even in your death, they will cast lot on you

they will watch you laid beneath the earth

wear black clothes to mourn your passage 

after the ceremony, they will walk back home sober 

then later realize there was none like you 



14 Dec 2022


  1. Yea, u dug for it again- real human nature you captured! 👏

    1. 😁 real human nature. Thanks


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