my brain: tired of reasoning with my heart

my heart 🖤: black and cold, given up all his hope in people, not ready for anyone else

gone cold, plain rigor mortis 

million stabs, no hope for more things 

profuse bleeding every time it hits 

it’s shattered now, lying in defeat 

it’s humanity cause has been sublimed  

it’s constant beat no longer align 

sometimes it freezes for minutes 

wanting to hear a conversation like I’ve invited another heart ripper to crush it 

my brain has giving up hopes 

to cajole a tired and shattered heart? nope

for both of them have tried for too long 

constantly strengthening each other till it all went wrong 

my heart, weak and feeble 

my brain, light as a needle 

the sunshine isn’t bright anymore

the moon’s color at night isn’t milky but blur 

my brain: tired of reasoning with my heart

my heart 🖤: black and cold, given up all his hope in people, not ready for anyone else



18 Aug 2022


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