"I'll be fine" I said 
"I'm alright" I chuckled 
deceptive as those words could be 
no one saw the real truth 

I could go on for days and days
hours and nanoseconds waltz 
darkness creeps in unannounced
as the sun slowly replaces the moon next 

it is visible in my eyeballs
but people gets carried away by my lips 
as my words make them come alive 
my jokes be giving them life, while my whole world collapses inside 

I became people's happiness without my knowledge
I became sought-after without my consent 
urging me to do more for their health 
well, we all know that laughter is the best medicine

my phone keeps ringing 
I became uncertified counsellor for failed relationships
"hey! am I unto Tony?" the caller speaks 
silent sobs I perceive behind the dialer 

I'm dying but no one knows 
I am empty but no one cares 
this flame consumes my psyche 
I can see but my vision blurs 

hey! I'm still breathing fine
knowing someday my lungs will give way 
my hearts palpitates in distorted rhythm 
then I'd smile in-between as I draw my last breathe 


27 Feb 2022


  1. Many things we go through but people hardly see it.

    More ink to your pen dear poet

    1. Yeah, lots and lots that our mouth can't speak but our hearts screams them out.
      More ink to yours too 🤗


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