just one glance inside, she sees everything 
everything you've ever been
everything you ever was 
everything you will or about to become

she summones ancient spirit to guide her craft
so as to constantly be in line
in touch with the spiritual wave 
just to shed light on your path

but there you sit
waiting to be told the bitter truth 
what and where you will be in few years
routes you should and not thread

the bitter sweet pill you are about to swallow
can either make you or mar you
whatever you're told now 
might become your new pattern 

now you walk home brooding 
after you've heard what you ought not to hear
your thoughts are now divided 
making you a broken jar

why so much rely on their prophecies
when you can create your own paths
for your destiny is in your hand
what you'll become is up to you


13 Jan 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate your comment 🙏🏾

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excessive reliance on prophesies you aren't even sure of it's authentication is the genesis of failure.


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