It alright to lay still for a long time
Listening to songs as it hits hard
Striking cords in your emotional world
Transporting you to another zone

But as a child, what do I know?
I had no regrets, just fearless as the wind
sweping through everywhere
With none to fear

 Playing in uncompleted buildings
Hunting lizards and squirrels 
Playing police and thief
Hide and seek

Making paper boats and placing it in a flowing streams
Making paper planes, light up the butt as we fling it in the air
Watching it crash land
Making mouthful sounds of its exploding

Going into the bush to hunt for grasshoppers
Plucking pawpaw and cashew 
Stepping on soldier ants
Regretting the day we were born

Purposefully storing up your urine clothes for days
Sneaking out during curfew to dig up earthworms
Gathering sticks and empty cans
Vegetable soup prepared for lunch

Throwing stones on roofs as signals
Tying wrapper around the neck imitating superman
Climbing sofa and jumping on beds for wrestling
Adrenaline pumps always in excess

All these memories
The good old days
Just here reminiscing what's gone
But can never be forgotten


26 sept 20


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