The emotional world
Invididual psychological battle fields 
A war between you and yourself 
A war that determines your beginning and your end
Finally resulting to what you will become 

Loneliness comes in waves 
Heartbreak creeps in like tornado
Beakup breaks you to pieces
Divorces makes you fall and shatter
Death of a loved one slowly withdraws you into your shell

They all affect the psyche
Making you lose focus and balance
Creating either an angel or a beast 
A demon or a saint 
A hunter or a prey

We face these battles alone
As they eat deep into our souls 
Pushing us to the verge of depression
But, it's left for us to give in or overcome 
The battle is yours and yours alone

I know a young couple
They got married at a tender age
But he died few months after 
The wife fought emotional battles
But ended up in the psychiatric ward 

Or is it the one of an only child, a daughter
Who went to school but never returned 
Sexually abused body found later 
The father caught stroke
Mother collapses, never to breath again

The priest who fought hard to ignore
Sexual urges questioning his celibacy 
He gave in and fell a victim
Now he has sinned, but who is to blame?
His battles got the best of him

She journed into prostitution because of pressures 
No one to sponsor her and her siblings 
But she met her doom when she met Ade
He used her for money rituals without a second thought 
Her battles sent her to the world beyond 

He picked up his pieces and got up
Despite been duped by his fiance and his best friend
Though he cried his heart out in the dark
But he overcame his emotional battles
And promised to become someone better for someone 

Stories of lots of people
That parked their cars on third mainland bridge
Walk towards the grab rails
And jumped into the ocean below 
Victims of their battles 

Everyone you meet in life has got battles 
The least you can do is "be nice"
Because those little words you say
Goes a long way to humanity 


10 Nov 2020


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