Make a wish in the twilight zone
Under the Bright shinning stars 
For you might not know
Your wishes have come true

Make a wish in a pouring rain
As those water hits your head
Its brings a strong affirmation to your soul
That your wishes have come true

Make a wish in a flowing stream
As your legs feels the gentle tender water
A soft thrill goes around your body
That your wishes have come true

Make a wish on a mountain top
For you're closer to heavens 
Just shut your eyes and softly ask with your heart
Your wishes have come true

Make a wish in a falling snow
Just as the ice drops from the sky
Your wants will ascend to heaven
 Your wishes have come true

Make a wish in the woods
For nature resides right there
As the leaves hovers around you
Your wishes have come true

Make a wish in a rushing wind
Feel its effect on your skin
Just as the wind tosses about flowers
Your wishes have come true


2 Nov 20


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