Paint my sky with stars
Let me forever be yours 
For the future hasn't got any clearer picture
If you don't feature 

Caress me till my breathe seizes 
Fondle me till the clock stops and freeze
Make me dream of our promised utopia 
Leave me not, leave my side never

Place your head on my beating heart
Hear the rhythm it makes just for you
For as nano seconds silently creeps
Our time here is fleeting

Stay with me for our life is short
Our life's but a vapour
Evaporated in no time by the sun
Hold me close and let's journey together

The feel of your breathe beside me
When we cuddle to sleep
Your soft palm on my cheek
Your soft breast on my chest

Hold my hands 
and let's live to the fullest
For our time here is fleeting
Our life is short


20 sept 20


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