This spasm
This constant muscle pull in my chest
Bulging out sweats and spasm intermittently
Palpitation at it's peak
Nose diving my psychological balance

Excruciable pain
Unexplanable as my world loses colors
Cosmic constellation already fading in my pupil
As I strive to keep my feet in place
My heart thunders aloud in my chest

I think i see him often
Riding always on his dreaded horse
Teleportation with swiftness
I see the grim reaper galloping towards 
Wielding his sycthe in giddiness

He rides in fast mode
Never bored nor tired of harvesting souls
His cloak darkened with medals of honor
Hoodie over dreadful transparent skull
Skull emitting inferno

From a distance he beckons
In my state I humbly reciprocated
For this spasm is unbearable
An excruciating pain now at it's peak
Some day, we will all hear our own nano-seconds tick


30 Aug 20


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