Right there I stood transfixed
Transposed, immobile
My legs gave way for trembling
My heart heavy as it pounds
Almost popping out of my chest
My emotions couldn't hide it any more

Tears bursting out loose in million races
Streaming down my face
My mascara had no choice but to cave
My sweat pores opened up its doors
In no time, I was sweat drenched
My skin and gown hugs in serendipity

As I stand there wallowing with my inner battles
Thoughts of how I have lived my life
Enormous pride hovering always like a shade
The one I loved and pridefully pushed away
Despite all plea and pleading 
Now saying " I do forever" to another soul

A soul who asked if it's okay as I gave consent
Tossing to her a gold in the rough
Totally ignoring life's karma in the menu
Here I stand, regretting my terrible past
Faking a friendly present
Viewing self miserable future

As tears drenched the bouquet 
It's fragrance fizzle into my nostrils
My hands can no longer hold
My feet can no longer hold
My heart's gone totally numb
This is a lucid dream
Please wake me up


12th August 20


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