I came, i saw but wasn't prepared
I was never prepared to conquer
Overwhelmed too much by my self consciousness
That i forgot to process the end before i began
Inability to decipher pros from cons

It made no sense
For i started gallantly without finch
Rose horizontally above the horizon
Stood fiercely undaunted
But guess what? The end mirrors the beginning

It mirrors strictly everything
Strong surge quavers on my shore lines
Making me lost at sea
Irrespective of the morale that sparked me initially
Now i stand as river washes sands underneath my feet

Could blames be passed to anyone?
We were all born without sexual preferences
Born freely in love and serenity
But stamped upon religion and ethnicity which breeds hate
Which destroys the you in you

When I was young i had dreams
Dreams capable of catapulting all souls
To a relm of human redifined connections
But, here i am
Societal pressures and expectations are party Popper 

They say "Never give up"
But have they ever thread your path?
Have they walked in your boot, laced?
Have they lived in your imaginations?
Do they see the colours you interprete?

The pattern lines waiting to be drawn by you
Your biceps twitching for rescue operations
Your light waiting to illuminate dark paths
Your mission to cuddle and embrace
Your vision to save millions

They are forever blind
Underwhelmed by your sudden roar
To break free from ideosyncrasies 
To become exceptional

But you must keep striving
Fuel your motivation and keep your head up high
For when you breakthrough finally
Everyone will want to identify with you

For you are a gold in a rough
Sieve yourself and the world would be marveled
Amazed and come worship at your feet
For you are worthless


21st NOV 18


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