Just as the tick tock of the wall clock goes
Nobody knows what tomorrow holds
For our existence is to lean on each other
We should sure extend hands to another brother
If you have enough, never build a fence if you're able
But rather build a long table
As many mouth you feed
Your soul will be fulfilled
Live in the moment
Make good comment
Extend an open arm for a hug
Irrespective of the thug
Love those that needs to be loved
Feed those that needs to be fed
Clothe those in nude
Reach out to the weaklings if you could
Drive to the homeless
Harbour the harbourless
Help the oppressed
Try all your might to comfort the afflicted
We are all born with a little speck of hope
Joining it together will make us dope
For humanity cannot go extinct
If we make use of our natural instinct
For as soon as we breathe our last
Out time passes
We later becomes memories
Till we fade off and remembered no more
18th Sept 18
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